“If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”
That’s what I was taught as an ankle biter, by a local farmer. He’d lived through two world wars and experienced the value of recycling and organic farming before those “concepts” had been invented…
Which may explain my reluctance to upgrade software while things are running smoothly
I was still using Windows ME operating system until 2009 when I chose to upgrade from a clunky desktop to a sleek pocket-sized Notebook with a whopping 168MB hard drive and Windows XP operating system.
In April 2014, Microsoft decided that WinXp was so last decade nobody should be using it any more and ceased offering support
Which is fine by me, except…
I’ve just upgraded my Firefox Internet Browser, and it’s decided that all my PDF files are now HTML files
My PDF files now show as Firefox HTML, with HTML icons.
Lucky [or not], other peeps had the same experience, and suggestions to fix this problem range from slightly geeky to a little simpler.
Because I’m slightly geeky but wanted something simpler I chose both solutions, so I’m not sure which one fixed the glitch, but it’s all good.
Go to “start” Menu, and select “Run”
Enter “Regedit” in the “Run” box
a new window will open
Scroll down until you find
Click on the folder and you’ll see in the Right Hand Window:
Name: Default
Type: Reg_SZ
Data: FirefoxHtm
Rightclick on “Default”
Select “Modify”
And change
To this:
Click “OK”
So now you’ll see
Name: Default
Type: Reg_SZ
Data: AcroRd32.exe
Simpler solution:
Reassign Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader as the default PDF handler…
Open up Adobe Reader (not Acrobat, if you have it on your system);
go to “Edit”,
at the bottom of the General settings screen to the right
“Select Default PDF Handler”;
pull down and choose the PDF handler
(e.g., Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader).
Hope that helps